Interviewing the PYP

Hello! We are a group of girls from MYP5 at the end of our middle school program. We've been working on a project where we created a link that connects us to students of PYP5 who are also in the last year of their programme.

On a recent Friday afternoon, we interviewed some of their students, Leonardo, Chloe, Francesca, Beatrice, and Olby. We wanted to see how they'd been doing so far in their last year of elementary school and what they might think of MYP1. Here are some of the children's responses to the questions that we had prepared. 

We asked the boys and girls what their favourite subject is now, and how they thought it might change. In a PYP classroom, students have different favourite subjects based on their interests and personalities. Let's look at what Leonardo, Chloe, Francesca, and Olby like and how their interests might change in the future.

Organising oneself and Self-management

When we asked them what their method of organization and self-management was, they were a bit shocked by the way we'd asked the question, seeming 'clueless'! We clarified their queries and explained to them that we were asking them how they organized for upcoming tests or quizzes. They said that they didn't have any sort of management skills because they didn't feel any pressure, and they said that their time at home was completely spent on their hobbies and not at all studying. We told them that will probably change over time, as for when in the middle years program, a lot more will be expected of them. However, they didn't seem to be concerned about that, and remained pretty unfazed. 

As we were wrapping up the interviews we noticed a frequent theme among the kids: while they seemed calm and carefree about their study routines they also showed a spark of curiosity for future tasks that lay ahead of them. For example, Leonardo told us that he looks forward to practicing more sports activities, like joining the school team and competing in tournaments. Chloe expressed her enthusiasm for exploring new topics in maths, like harder divisions and starting geometry - even though she knows that that will be more challenging. Francesca and Olby were focused more on trying new subjects, and they were excited by the fact that in the future they could choose some elective subjects to focus on more. Olby was the most talkative one, his last question was "Do you know when there's pizza day?". This made us all laugh and ended the interview positively. So, in conclusion, we believe that they will have to study a lot more, and they will have to start to create a method of self-managing time to keep up with their assignments. Moreover, it was a way to go back in time and feel the breeze of being in PYP!

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