Subjects and interests


We asked the boys and girls what their favourite subject is now, and how they thought it might change. In a PYP classroom, students have different favourite subjects based on their interests and personalities. Let's look at what Leonardo, Chloe, Francesca, and Olby like and how their interests might change in the future. 

Leonardo enjoys PE as it's fun, and allows him to play games and exercise, which is important for our bodies. In our opinion, as Leonardo gets older, he may become more interested in specific sports or activities. He might also learn more about health and fitness, which could help him understand the benefits of staying active for both his body and mind. Both the girls preferred maths, showing their dedication to studying, which will be a quality that they will probably take with them in the future. Whereas Olby prefers a subject where he can let out his creativity, which is music. 

Instead, when we asked them what subject they thought they needed some extra help with, the answer was surprisingly maths! It's interesting to know that their favourite subject was the one with which they struggled most. This was the case only for the two girls.

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