MYP 5's Personal Project… Chore or Challenge?!

As all MYP5 students know, we are currently in the process of completing 'the icing on the cake' - a.k.a. the end-of-middle-years Personal Project (the 'PP' for short!). We hope that M4s will take an interest, too—it will come soon enough.

So where are we at? We thought we might target some DP1s to iron out some FAQs. We interviewed five DP students who shared their experience of the Personal Project. Let's take a look at their creations!

Noemi Steiner, originally from German-speaking Austria, created a website for acquiring German as a second language. However, since she moved to Italy at a young age, she was unable to develop her German properly. Her website provides a solution to this problem, helping others like her.

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