Exploring Stockholm: A Nordic Adventure!

During the Middle of March The MYP4 & 5 bodies went on their respective school trips, the Class of 2027 held theirs in the Swedish Capital, where we experienced a rich and distinct culture. Stockholm was a unique and fascinating choice to hold a fun, active, and rewarding school trip that can be confirmed by the attendees was a memorable and positive experience.

This Trip took us through an endless variety of destinations that showcased the depth of Swedish culture, we explored the Old Town, filled with history and intricate details that made it beautiful. In it resided unique and fun landmarks such as a glass sculpture shop, an impressive church, and the notable Noble Museum. After this city tour we got to our beautiful hotel, where we were given downtime to relax before an expertly made and polished dinner at the hotel.

Our Second day begun with a loud and active time around the Skansen Open-Air Museum, which displayed beautiful animals left right and centre, afterward we headed to a large museum devoted to maintaining the Vasa Naval Ship, one of the most jaw-dropping pieces of transport now kept in the best possible care by the most well-spirited staff anyone will ever meet. Through extensive analysis of the ship people have been able to depict this 17th century treasure and work endlessly to maybe bring it back to its former glory. Lastly we made a visit to the interactive ABBA Museum, made to commemorate the world renown pop band and Sweden's national treasure the ABBA. The next day was a relaxing and yet stunning ferry ride across Stockholm's scenic Archipelago, after which we were given much needed free time to explore the city on our own.

The final day was commemorated with a visit to the Modern Museum packed with an extensive collection of various pieces of expression, ranging from art to the most contemporary and subjective pieces of work that told stories of modern culture and real life experiences through metaphors and intertextuality. After the fascinating experience it was time to go back to the airport, and finally land back in Venice in the evening. This trip was an experience to connect with friends on an even greater level, to become more cultured, and to have fun all together. We can all say it was an experience to not miss and something we can look forward to doing again next year. A special Thank you to everyone involved in organising it and especially to our teachers that took their time to leave their family and look after us for this event.

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